Marrying young… And why you need to shut your mouth about it

Words from Alex


I’ve always been a very outspoken woman, my momma says it’s both a blessing, and a curse. I understand everyone loves to voice their opinion, which I completely encourage, otherwise I wouldn’t have a blog. But sometimes, you should really learn when to shut your mouth and stop ranting about things beyond your control and that bring you absolutely nothing by downing them. One subject that people absolutely love to rant and rave about, is marriage. Marriage is something I feel so many people take for granted, as is love.

I feel a lot of people go into marriage thinking, “well if it doesn’t work out, there’s always divorce”. It really saddens me that things that should be permanent and life-long, have a plan B. You can get a divorce, abort your child, cut off all ties with family, the list is endless. When you get married, you repeat the…

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7 Ways To Build A Deeper Connection With Her

James Michael Sama

I feel that much of our generation has lost sight of what it really takes to build a strong, long lasting relationship. Even more so, I don’t think that this is a secret. It seems to be pretty widely agreed upon that we have a lot of work to do if we want to break out of the hookup culture that has been created, and create actual meaning in our lives.


I have recently begun to understand the importance of simple things that create intimacy between two people on a deeper, emotional level. I came across a quote the other day that I really liked:

Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3 am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of…

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40 Weird Things That Happen When Your Boyfriend Is Your Best Friend

Almost every single one is right on the mark. My boyfriend is my best friend. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.


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1. He sees you in true form. There’s right before bed, zit cream and all. There’s drunk you with eye liner smeared on your face and nacho cheese in your hair. There are a lot of you’s he has endured. It’s actually laughable how bad you have looked around him and how little you care.

2. You’ve become so comfortable with each other that embarrassment is no longer a factor.

3. You have each other’s outfit ensembles nearly memorized. “I’m wearing the maroon shirt” “With the tan shorts and brown watch?” “Yup.”

4. You have had moments where you both felt like you couldn’t stand anyone else but each other for the moment.

5. Your families are way too comfortable around you both at this point and absolutely nothing gets held back.

6. You become obsessed with certain restaurants and foods for different periods of time.

7. You two have…

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The 12 Things Fangette Needs For College

Ambling & Rambling


If I were the type of mother who tucked handwritten notes into her kid’s lunch box or if my daughter, the delightful Fangette, was the type of kid who would read such a thing, I’d pack the following list into the suitcase that’s sitting on her bed — the one that’s bound, in just a few short days, for her new digs on a college campus six hours away. I’m not that mother, she’s not that kid. As there is a much better chance that she’ll read the list if I post it here than if I stuff it in with her winter socks, I’ve compiled what I’m calling “The 12 Things Fangette Needs For College”. Feel free to substitute any name for “Fangette” if you find that this list appeals to your “Ashley”, your “Sara” or, horror of horrors and shame on you!, your “Gertrude”. Perhaps, if you have…

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Why Exactly Am I A Vegetarian? The World May Never Know.

Almost exactly two years ago, I quit eating meat.  I completely quit cold turkey (or rather, would it be…cold tofurkey?  Whoops. That was really bad.).  During that time, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked my reason for going vegetarian…and I can’t tell you how many times I really have had no defined reasoning to give in response.  I’m going to try to sort it out here…

Perhaps it’s rooted in my childhood.  Animal lover from the start, avid researcher of every kind of animal imaginable, I used to run around pretending, for hours on end, that I was an animal.  It was actually pretty weird.  But whatever.  I developed a deep sort of empathy for animals, and I always wanted to go vegetarian based off of the animal harm angle.  Never quite could do it.  Even when I, as an 8 year old, mailed my 5 dollar bill off to PETA as a “donation”.  Even when I sent off for the vegetarian starter kit at the age of 13 and received cute little “I am not a nugget” stickers with a chick on them and those horribly bloody animal cruelty videos.

I kept right on eating meat.  What is a 13 year old going to do when her family, though upset by the video, thinks it’s just a fad?

I then entered into my “go green” stage.  I realized that eating meat is a part of being a human–we’re omnivores.  I have absolutely no problem with the circle of life.  I can flip the channel to National Geographic and unflinchingly watch videos of cheetahs hunting gazelles without any qualms.  What really gets to me is the method by which humans now procure their meat.  In the old days, everyone hunted for their own food, ate what they needed, and saved whatever couldn’t be eaten at the time.  But now…factory farms.  Hugely commercialized, disgusting industries that put the animals through absolute torture (it’s not the killing that gets me, it’s the unnecessary pain) and unnatural situations (thousands of animals stuffed together, growing so heavy from the growth hormones that their legs break under their own weight?) before their deaths.  Do you have any idea how bad for the planet it is to manufacture all the meat we eat today?  The raising of cows for beef pollutes the planet more than the toxins released by every gas-powered automobile on earth combined.  The waste from all these factories seeps into the soil, pollutes the waters, and overall destroys the planet.  There are countless consequences from factory farming, a chain reaction of nastiness that is slowly killing the Earth. I don’t feel like digging out my research right now.  If you’re curious, simply look into it.  You’ll see.

Health.  Because of this factory farming system, the meat we eat is not healthy for our bodies.  An abundance of meat (red meat especially) is not good in general, but the way it is made?  Just terrible.  The abundance of corn in America (another controversial and frustrating issue that I will not get into right now) has made it so that corn is in all of our food.  The animals that we eat?  They all lived off of corn-based diets–yes, even some types seafood (farmed fish).  Ugh.  It’s simply not natural.  Humans weren’t meant to live off of corn, and neither were those creatures.  It’s just plain bad for us.  In addition, the amount of hormones that are put into the animals bred for meat is ridiculous.  “Let’s make these chickens develop faster and grow larger!  Yay, more meat!  Oh, and let’s cram them into pens so that they sit on each other and get their feces smeared everwhere!  What, the feces is probably going to end up in the meat?  OH WELL!”


I know I probably sound like I’m just spouting propaganda, but seriously.  That’s our food industry nowadays.  When we eat meat, we aren’t just eating meat.  Instead we are ingesting chemicals, steroids and hormones…feces, bacteria, pus, and blood…have I ruined your appetite yet?  Sorry.  It disgusts me.  Even without meat in my diet, I’m still under the influence of our commercialized food industry, forced to ingest many modified foods and high amounts of unhealthy products simply because that is how we live now.  Welcome to the modern world, people.  Care for something to eat?

Want to know more?  A great place to start would be by watching Food, Inc.  I believe it’s actually available on Netflix instant right now.

ANYWAY.  I didn’t quite mean to go on a rant like that.  But you see, my vegetarianism is multifaceted.  I’m not vegan, simply because that would be highly difficult, but what I know about the things I do eat is still unsettling.  It’s sad that people don’t know much about what they’re putting into their bodies.  I try to be healthy, and I’m sure that I’m still highly unawares about my food.  Today’s world is both great and terrible.
A few things before I go:
  • I’m not judging you for eating meat.  It’s your choice, and I know vegetarianism isn’t for everyone.
  • like meat.  Occasionally I’d like to have an actual burger or a Chick-Fil-A sandwich (oh sadness…).  If the means by which meat is procured weren’t so terrible, I’d probably still be eating it (although I never ate much anyway..I don’t even like many kinds of meat).  I just can’t stand the process.  I refuse to support the process.  Vegetarian “faux meat” options don’t taste so bad anyway.  I don’t miss much.
  • Yes, I do get plenty of protein.  No, I don’t JUST eat vegetables.
  • I’m not a psychotic PETA protester or hippie or anything, but I am against animal abuse.  No sentient creature deserves to be abused–and don’t argue with me whether animals are sentient.  They feel pain.  They have some level of consciousness.  If we want to include meat in our diets, we need to find some better method of getting that nourishment.  Convenience and mass-production are great in some ways, but with the meat industry?  Come on.  There has to be some better way of doing things.  If not for the animals, then for our own health.  It’s not good for us, either.
  • And I don’t care what people say.  We are killing this planet little by little.  We don’t have to pollute it and devour its resources at this rate.  Society is growing.  I know.  Progress…well, it’s mostly great.  But we need to be more sustainable.  I’m not sure how.  But…it’s a problem.


Wow.  I’m not sure if I just talked in circles or if I made sense.  But that’s my rant for the day.  It kind of explains my vegetarian choice…kind of…I guess.  And these are just my opinions.  I do have facts to back them up, and if you check into it, you’ll find that there’s a lot of support for what I have said.  Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, however, so don’t get your dander up if you don’t agree with my reasoning.  Thanks for reading!  I hope you all have a great day!

Reading Is A Gateway To Greater Things…

First, read this:

Why Readers, Scientifically, Are The Best People To Fall In Love With

Now ponder with me–

I really believe everything they say in this post is true.  I’ve felt such connection to characters in books–at times, even more so than connections with some humans.  My vocabulary is marvelously expanded from what it would be otherwise, and I believe reading (no, devouring) books has bolstered my love of writing.  No doubt it can influence creativity and romanticism.

On a related tangent: For the record, writing/receiving handwritten letters is still way better than anything electronic.  Most definitely.